welcome to my web site
this page is about garfield and also coffee. my friend bcj bought the domain as a goof so now as we like to say "it's real". here's some content related to garfield and also coffee (sometimes only one and not the other)
my mug
i have a garfield mug that i drink coffee out of. here's a picture:
(sorry it's so big im still working on this)
stuff my friends made
i have some really talented friends who have been kind enough to let me share their art on this web site!!! check out the cool garfs with pipes (not coffee) they drew below
oh my god i wasn't expecting to make an entire art section so im gona finish this l8r
here's a garf strip about COFFEE that i like
my friend casey made a cooler version of it!!! it's so fuckin good omg
what else.... ok idk wtf this place is but it doesn't look like a real garfield?
TODO: more coffee links